
Nitric scid
Nitric scid

nitric scid

Workplace exposure standard for nitric acid Nitric acid may form in minute amounts wherever very high temperatures are generated in the presence of air (nitrogen and oxygen) and water. People living near industries that produce or use nitric acid may be exposed to minute quantities of the compound as a result of low rates of emission. It is also present in small quantities in rain from areas where nitric oxide (a product of combustion) reacts with ozone and water to form nitric acid. Most people are exposed outdoors to very minute amounts of nitric acid derived from exhaust fumes or the burning of some organic compounds that contain nitrogen. It may be absorbed in minute amounts by inhaling it as a vapour. Trace amounts of nitric acid are present in the air circulating in and around major cities.

Nitric scid skin#

Contact with the skin will result in a severe corrosive burn. If the vapour is inhaled in significant amounts it will result in severe coughing, chest pain and shortness of breath. The vapour is very irritating to the eyes, throat, lungs and corrosive to the teeth. Australia's nitric acid emission report.The National Pollutant Inventory ( NPI) holds data for all sources of nitric acid emissions in Australia. Fumes in moist air, reacts readily with organic and plastic compounds, and many metals. Strongly acidic and highly reactive compound. Vapour Density: 2-3.0 Chemical properties Nitric acid is a transparent, colourless or yellowish, corrosive liquid with an acrid or pungent odour. Synonyms: Hydrogen Nitrate, Azotic acid, aqua fortis, red fuming acid, Nital, Nitryl Hydroxide Physical properties It is used in the manufacture of fertilisers and other organic chemicals, in the printing industry for photoengraving, in jewellery manufacturing, and for wet chemical etching. Nitric acid is used in a wide variety of chemical processes where cleaning, oxidising or etching is required, including making synthetic fibres, dying, electrical circuit board making, electroplating, explosives, laboratory chemicals, metal cleaning and etching, semiconductors, pharmaceutical manufacture. What one company is doing to reduce emissions.Substance definitions - frequently asked questions.Calculating emissions - frequently asked questions.Industry reporting - frequently asked questions.

Nitric scid